Tuesday, March 17, 2015


When you sit down to write and you're feeling all optimistic and happy. And you end up writing the most depressing heartbreaking shit you have written... Like maybe ever. unsure emoticon damnit #songwriterproblems.

Friday, February 27, 2015

who cares about that damned dress!

You guys something got popular on the Internet! It's time to have a fucking arms race to see who can be the most intellectual snowflake because while these idiots were distracted by "just a dress," you were focused on the "real" issues. squint emoticon
It takes all of three minutes to look at an illusion, and even post about it on the Internet too. People can spend that 3 minutes and still be aware of other things going on, believe it or not.
You just hate it because it got popular. I could go through all you fuckers' post history and find non-intellectual, non-socially enlightened posts while there were surely important things going on in the world.
Being antithetical does not make you better/more socially aware than someone else. God, just fucking stop.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Follow the mission.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Kanye West is a bastard.


YOU sir are a assclown. I HOPE that next time you win an award, someone jumps on stage & takes your moment away. YOU aren't talented, auto tone is LAME! & you simply are just an evil soul, your mama would have been so ashamed of you if she were still alive.

Had to repost this because every word is true.

Dear Kanye West

It is YOU who is so busy disrespecting artistry.
You disrespect your own remarkable talents and more importantly you disrespect the talent, hard work and tenacity of all artists when you go so rudely and savagely after such an accomplished and humble artist like BECK.
You make yourself look small and petty and spoilt.
In attempting to reduce the importance of one great talent over another, you make a mockery of all musicians and music from every genre, including your own.
Grow up and stop throwing your toys around.
You are making yourself look like a complete twat.

Ps. I am pretty certain Beyonce doesn't need you fighting any battles on her account. Seems like she's got everything covered perfectly well on her own.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The cheating curve.

Cheating obviously isn't kind.

Reasons people cheat.

1. Bored/unhappy in realtionship/marriage
2. just total utter assholes
3. People who try to justify it cause they are either addicted to sex or have mental issues. (Pulls out the deck of excuses cards.)

I have been sexual since I was 17, being molested as a child didn't help. I've messed around with 11 folks 2 just oral. Each realtionship I was ever in, I NEVER cheated! yes I was a huge flirt when single but when I was with someone, I was fucking with them. They cheated on me, not because I wouldn't fuck em' not because I didn't look a certain way, they were just major fucktards who just wanted sex out of me cause I'm that good & when I wasn't enough for em' they went on to other bitches. I have mental problems, I am hyper sexual, but I've kept my legs closed to the unwanted. cheating is a CHOICE, it's not an illness. Life is nothing but choice after choice, if you want to be a whore that is all on you but don't count on getting any RESPECT in return.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Life, Respect, pwning turds.

January is the time when we're all gung-ho about getting our shit together, starting a new year right, fresh (pick your word for ringing it in right) and think everything is going to be AWESOME and we will FINALLY MAKE ALL OF IT HAPPEN. Right? Sound familiar? Of course because we're all trying to make something out of ourselves while we're on this planet.
So... what do you do, when all that optimism and goal setting and planning, become completely insignificant and selfish because your world gets flipped upside down?

Wait what am I talking about, that has been happening.

 Love drives you to do and go wherever, doing whatever it takes to make everything better and have your mate with you. It drives you to forget about yourself. I'm realizing that I've pushed myself aside, rejecting and fighting my own feelings, thoughts, emotions, purging them in crying spells and breakdowns, the only way I know to get the fucking energies out without insulting or hurting anyone...
I don't know how to properly cope. Well, there's no right or wrong way of dealing, except hardcore drugs n alcohol -- I don't think that's very healthy but hey whatever floats your boat, I was in that boat once.
This is the first time of my life, that I'm not on meds for mental 'quirks'. My brain is naked, standing in front of everyday life issues and instead of learning at age 11 or 12, I'm learning at age 27, going on 28 in August, how to handle situations in a somewhat normal, healthy function.
So, when the love of my life goes from his high-octane 'life-is-a-party' rock musician monster -- to the complete opposite -- for his health and wellbeing -- yeah it rocked my mental brain not to mention our entire way of living. Things are quiet. We are learning more about each other, the reasons we react... so it's a recovery process for everyone.

I've got several people in my head, and they all want different things. The Adult wants to fix everything, make sure the house is tidy, bills are paid, looking after Monster, looking for work. The Artist wants to meditate, heal, take this time to discover and delve deeper into the inner artist. The Child wants to run back home and curl up in a huge bong and stay there in Food Network Land, while going out and partying with my friends (my social circle has disappeared).

Can I fix all of this? Would I be going against the tides of the Universe, am I supposed to stay quiet and heal, or am I being lazy, even though I'm looking for things? I just can't tell if I'm going the right direction, being quiet feels like I'm useless.

Anybody get extremly depressed when you don't have work? I know, textbook artist emotions 101, we ALL get down when we're not working. What do you do, to occupy the concept of feeling useful? Here's a thought since I'm here, to list the things I do when this feelings comes over. When I'm feeling useless, to assure myself of my artistry, I:
            Practice yoga                                    Write a song, or a few lyrics down
            Play the ukulele                                Play with my kitties
            Tidy up the house                             Draw with anything, on paper
            Paint a wine bottle                            Find a new recipe I want to cook someday
            Write in my journal                            Troll on the internet to look for jobs
           Go through my photos, remind myself I'm a great artist
           Meditate on positive things and images           Bring out the old school tunes
           Call a friend (I should do that more often)        Bake!

A few things to do. You should make a list too, what you do or can do when you don't know what to do with yourself. It's so damn easy to get stuck in front of the tv. How can we face what's ahead when we're blocking ourselves in front of a digital shield. Not saying tv is evil. It's just, I wanna smash it sometimes. (My daddy loved the tv more than me growing up, blah blah blah... accepted and moved on with an ironic grudge against the machine)

So, I guess, during this therapeutic writing session, the conclusion is, that not everything is fixable, and there are things life throws at you, not as a curveball, but as a test of strength and character. Life throws shit as us we think we can't handle but we can if we allow ourselves to think we can. The power of positive thinking is unbeatable. It's getting into the concept of being positive, that life IS full of good things and good people... getting into that way of thinking all the time, is a huge game changer for me, and I'm still learning how to be positive on an hourly basis.

I've got a piece inside of me, very small, but very powerful. A tiny, forever brooding, bitter, cynical little Me that overrides 70% of any positive thought or action being positive. It's the piece of glass in your shoe you can't see that pokes you more and more, getting harder to see cuz it's already up in your foot.


Girls, to get a man, you don't have to be a tart. Dressing like white trash, having a potty mouth & naked 24/7 will NOT get you the one! trust me. I once was like that. it got me nowhere but trouble, heartache & misery. If you are under 25, you honestly know nothing about life! just cause you enjoy being pervered & have ur ass & tits out & had failed relationships for under 10 years, doesn't make you an expert on love/life. Respect yourself or noone else will.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Miley Cyrus needs to go away.

Recently I've been seeing articles about Miley Cyrus posing nude for a magazine & twerking it on stage still. First off, she isn't pretty at all, that hair cut makes her look like a dork & the strange outfits she wears isn't all that nor fashionable. Miley acts like she is some bad ass cause of the twerking, I hate to break it to you but the bitch didn't create twerking! that dance move has been around for decades, longer than Miley has even been alive & probably me as well. Watch the baby got back video & you will see black gals booty shaking, pop locking it. As for being all sexual, girl. Madonna beat you to the punch back in the mid to late 1980's. Just because you hump inflatable hot dogs and spank midgets and grind all over cocks doesn't make you an expert on SEX either. Old people fuck! trust me I've seen it on porn sites, not a pretty sight to see but it does exist And not to sound all whore-ish I personally know older men who are hyper sexual & love to fuck, I know some older women aswell, so bitch sut the fuck up cause you just have no clue about the world! DOn't you have any other talent aside from constantly sticking your tounge out like a dog & twerking? oh wait your a Cyrus & we all know Billy Ray was a one hit wonder, Achy Breaky Heart then poof! went away until he sold your soul to Disney to portray some dumb ass teenage chick called Hannah Montana. you and ur daddy are just a bumch of talentless fucks. Miley also thinks she's some bad ass cause she smokes pot & drinks? big fucking whoop! I watched her perform on Chelsey Lately's final show AND HOLY FUCK if she didn't butcher that Roy Orbison song, dude must be rolling over in his grave. Lastly, what the fuck is up with your voice? when you talk you sound like a man! seriously! Bitch just give it up! twerking is so last year, that tounge of yours is fucking retarded as you are! GO AWAY! PLEASE!